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On 25, Jan 2012 | In Exhibition Studio projects & research | By admin
the cup suite anniversary
2010 celebrates the 10th anniversary of Ceramica di Manfredi, Espresso di Manfredi and the Cup Suite. For the occasion, a special Anniversary issue of the suite was commissioned, with *Frost design developing a new dynamic branding for the recent Tazzalta mug and the Universal saucer.
The Original Cup Suite, a high quality white porcelain café drinking suite, includes cups, beakers and an innovative ‘universal saucer which fits all the drinking vessels, saving space in the café environment and cost. Over the ensuing years the suite has grown to include an additional Tazzalta mug and prototype for a desert bowl.
“The Cup Suite was created from a desire to combine the aesthetic and the practical. Each piece looks and feels right, presenting as a simple and uncluttered form. Both the proportions and the volumes have been carefully considered so they feel good to hold and drink from.”
Stefano Manfredi
Roderick Bamford, 2010
Ceramic di Manfredi Cup Suite and Saucer 10th Anniversary, 2010: Porcelain: Photograph courtesy Manfredi Enterprises
Tazzalta Mug Ceramic di Manfredi Cup Suite 10th Anniversary, 2010: Porcelain: Photograph courtesy Manfredi Enterprises